The building that is now the Robert Morris Inn in Oxford – Talbot County, Maryland – dates back to 1710. It was always an inn or tavern. During the earliest part of Maryland’s Colonial period, Oxford was the state’s 2nd largest port city (2nd to Annapolis). It was a thriving and booming town for the time.

The Innkeepers at the Robert Morris Inn shared a letter with me that was written by a guest who left in a hurry without breakfast … and breakfast is a BIG perk at the Robert Morris Inn. A portion of the letter is shown below. Here’s what the lady wrote:
“Room 1 Checked Out. It is TOTALLY HAUNTED. I left at 5:50 a. m. Here is what I experienced. Light next to bed turned off. Heavy man got in bed next to me. He was raging with fever. I woke up saturated in sweat. British man talking about Jenny. British man talking about the Hog Roller. Saw man lying on floor beside bed with a soldier standing over him. Then the bed began to rock violently like a roller coaster. I kept trying to yell for help but could not get my mouth open. Opened my eyes and saw a roach crawl up the left bed post. That was it. That room has an energy vortex. It is holding the energy from Man’s death. Sorry to miss breakfast. I am out of here.”
After talking with the Innkeeper it is likely that Robert Morris died in that very room. That room would have been the likely room where a sick person would have been nursed back to health …. or passed away.
Robert Morris was accidentally struck by the wadding of a ship’s gun that was fired in his honor. The wound festered until the infection killed him. He died at his home which is now the Robert Morris Inn.
my husband and i had an experience when we stayed at the Inn this past weekend. the first small incident was the bathroom door moving and creaking open. we laughed it off. when we came back up to the room after dinner my husband kept saying it felt like someone had a squeezing tight grip on his arm. he tried to carry on and around 10:30pm couldn’t take the pain anymore and wanted to go for a walk. while getting our coats on to leave he said he remembers feeling a panic set in but didn’t tell me until the ride home because he didn’t want to scare me. this was extremely out of character for him. I had no idea about any experiences or questions of the Inn being “haunted” until the next morning when we were going to get coffee we saw the binder in the sitting room was open, open to the page that reads “Haunted…we’ll let you determine that….” with a small paragraph saying that others have had experiences and stories.